Friday, March 15, 2013

How To Find New Players (or Make Them), Pt. 2

I hope you are still with me after my last rant, but if you are not, it's probably because you are one of the people I described so vehemently.

So option two, since I figured it's going to take a while to find these perfect gaming partners, I decided to try to make some. Here's what I had to start with, a wife who could care less about sci-fi/fantasy geek stuff, and a seven year old daughter who is a chip off the old block.

All I had to do with my daughter is to leave a few old modules and various books with cool covers around and she was in. She is so much like me (a total geek) it's scary.

Family fun!
My wife was another story. She's an awesome chick, but this was not her bag. I wasn't holding out much hope for my homegrown group. It was time to think this thru to ease her into this world of wizards, warriors and the almighty d20.

Starting with a full blown D&D game, even B/X, would be way over their heads, so I started seeing what else was out there. We had all been playing Monopoly, Life and other assorted board games for a while now, so I thought something in that direction might spark an interest. As a kid, I remembered playing the original Dungeon! board game, so I searched around and discovered Wizards of the Coast had reissued the game, repackaging it with some killer artwork.

How cool is this?
This was going to be awesome! I got a Barnes & Nobles gift card for Christmas, so I figured this was meant to be. I couldn't wait to play, the reviews were great and the system seemed easy enough to teach the family. Game night was set, let's see what happens.

Next, who's going to step up to the plate and slay some monsters...

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